
发布时间:2021-01-14 13:43:57 访问统计:1969

新冠病毒肆虐,阻挡不了中国文化的复兴。当此各国人民全力抗疫之时,爱如生数字产品又迎来新一轮销售热潮。不久前,位于美国波士顿西郊的美国顶级名校波士顿学院(Boston College)下单,购入爱如生四库系列数据库。此前,波士顿学院曾购入爱如生中国方志库初集和二集。波士顿学院成立于1863年,是声名卓著的私立研究型大学,与哈佛大学、麻省理工学院、塔夫茨大学、布兰迪斯大学并列为波士顿五大学。

Boston College purchased Series Database of sikuquanshu

While the COVID-19 is in full swing, the revival of Chinese culture is unstoppable. When people all over the world fight against the epidemic, Beijing Erudition Digital Technology Research Center welcomes the new round of sales boom. Not long ago, Boston College, a top American university located in the western suburb of Boston, ordered Series Database of sikuquanshu. Before that, Boston College had purchased Database of Chinese Local Records I and II. Founded in 1863, Boston College is a famous private research university, which is one of the five top universities in Boston, along with Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Tufts University and Brandeis University.

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