Establishment of Erudition Academic Exchange Fund
Beijing Erudition Digital Technology Research Center announced recently that the Erudition Academic Exchange Fund has been formally set up and will carry out activities from October 1, 2019.
Erudition Academic Exchange Fund is a special research fund established by Beijing Erudition Digital Technology Research Center with its own funds, whose purpose is to encourage and support academic and technical research related to digital documents, including:
1. Research on the formation of digital documents, such as standardization of digital documents;
2. Research on the application of digital documents, such as data analysis and data mining;
3. Research on digital document security, such as data protection and anti-piracy.
Erudition Academic Exchange Fund recruits individual and institutional researchers in global academia. Researchers can bring their own research topics, participate in research projects of Beijing Erudition Digital Technology Research Center, or cooperate with our research center.
Erudition Academic Exchange Fund mainly provides research funding, and also has a certain proportion fund for conference budgets and publishing subsidies.
Erudition Academic Exchange Fund is directly led by the headquarters of Beijing Erudition Digital Technology Research Center and operated by the International Exchange Department. At the same time, an expert committee and a financial committee are set up to appraise and examine the project and audit the funds.
Erudition Academic Exchange Fund has an initial fund of US$3 million (about 20 million RMB). Beijing Erudition Digital Technology Research Center will increase its investment in accordance with demands and possibilities.
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