
发布时间:2019-03-28 09:09:14 访问统计:5828

2019年新春伊始,爱如生数字产品又迎来新一轮销售高潮。近日,美国名校芝加哥大学(The University of Chicago)下单,一次购入爱如生中国金石库初集、历代别集库明代编和清后期编共2库3集。芝加哥大学是爱如生的老朋友,一直肯定和支持爱如生数字产品,自2012年起不间断陆续购入中国基本古籍库、中国方志库初集和二集、中国谱牒库初集、中国类书库初集、中国俗文库初集、敦煌文献库初集、历代别集库明前编和清前期编、中国近代报刊库大报编申报,加上此次购入的中国金石库初集、历代别集库明代编和清后期编,芝加哥大学拥有的爱如生数字产品多达10库13集,仅次于哈佛大学,是爱如生数字产品在美国的第二大用户。


Good Start- the University of Chicago Purchased Two Databases and Three Collections

At the beginning of the new year of 2019, Erudition’s digital products ushered in a new sales rush. Recently, the University of Chicago, a famous university in the United States, ordered Database of Chinese Bronze and Stone lnscriptions I, Database of Chinese Ancient Personal Writings II and IV. The University of Chicago is an old friend of Erudition. It has always given recognition and supported Erudition’s digital products. Since 2012, it has continuously purchased Database of Chinese Classics Ancient Books, Database of Chinese Local Records I and II, Database of Chinese Genealogy I, Database of China Ancient Encyclopedia I, Database of Chinese Popular Literature I, Database of Dunhuang Documents I, Database of Chinese Ancient Personal Writings I and III, and Database of Chinese Modern Periodicals(ShenBao). In addition to Database of Chinese Bronze and Stone lnscriptions I and Database of Chinese Ancient Personal Writings II and IV, the University of Chicago has as many as 10 databases and 13 collections of Erudition’s digital products, second only to Harvard University. Now it is the second largest user of Erudition’s digital products in the United States.

What deserves a special attention is that Database of Chinese Ancient Personal Writings is a key digital product of Erudition. It plans to collect 12,000 kinds of personal works, annotations and anthologies from the Pre-Qin period to the Republic period, which will be divided into six series and four of them have been published. Database of Chinese Ancient Personal Writings I collects 2000 kinds of personal works, annotations and anthologies from Pre-Qin Period to Yuan Dynasty; Database of Chinese Ancient Personal Writings II 2000 kinds of personal works, annotations and anthologies in Ming Dynasty; Database of Chinese Ancient Personal Writings III 2000 of personal works, annotations and anthologies before Jiaqing Period in Qing Dynasty and Database of Chinese Ancient Personal Writings IV 2000 of personal works, annotations and anthologies after Daoguang Period in Qing Dynasty. A total of 8000 collections of personal works, annotations and anthologies from pre-Qin to late Qing Dynasty is included in the four series. At present, only the University of Chicago in the United States has taken the lead in purchasing all the four series.

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