
发布时间:2019-02-28 15:16:25 访问统计:6000

2019年新春伊始,爱如生数字产品又迎来新一轮销售高潮。1月10日,荷兰莱顿大学(Leiden University)下单,购入爱如生敦煌文献库初集。此前,莱顿大学已先后购入爱如生中国基本古籍库和中国方志库初集、二集,加上此次购入的敦煌文献库初集,莱顿大学拥有的爱如生数字产品共3库4集,在欧洲仅次于德国柏林图书馆(德国柏林图书馆目前拥有爱如生大型数据库中的中国基本古籍库、中国方志库初集二集、中国俗文库初集、中国类书库初集共4库5集,以及爱如生数字丛书中的明清实录、永乐大典、千人年谱共3个产品)。

值得隆重介绍的是,成立于公元1575年的莱顿大学是荷兰最重要的高等学府,也是欧洲最具声望的大学之一。莱顿大学培养了众多影响人类文明进程的杰出人才,包括笛卡尔、伦勃朗、斯宾诺莎等科学文艺巨匠, 爱因斯坦、费米等16位诺贝尔奖得主,丘吉尔、曼德拉等9位国家元首,以及现任首相马克·吕特等10位荷兰领袖。莱顿大学有9个学院、50多个系所、150多个专业、11个核心研究领域和超过40个国家级或国际级研究机构,其中的莱顿大学汉学院极负盛名,学院从1851年开始就设立了中文专业,其图书馆所藏中文书数量居欧洲各国中文图书馆之首,是整个欧洲的汉学研究中心。莱顿大学肯定和采用爱如生数字产品令人兴奋,希望爱如生数字产品能为莱顿大学的汉学研究提供帮助。

Good start- Leiden University Purchased Database of Dunhuang Documents I

At the beginning of the new year of 2019, Erudition’s digital products ushered in a new sales rush. On Jan. 10, Leiden University in the Netherlands ordered the first collection of Database of Dunhuang Documents I of Erudition. Leidon University has purchased the first and second collections of Erudition’s Database of Chinese Classics Ancient Books, together with Database of Dunhuang Documents I, which has three databases and four collections of Erudition's digital products. In Europe, Leiden University is second only to Berlin Library of Germany (Berlin Library of Germany currently has some of Erudtion’s digital products, such as  Database of Chinese Classics Ancient Books, Database of Chinese Local Records I and II, Database of Chinese Popular Literature, Database of China Ancient Encyclopedia, totalling four databases and five collections, and three other products Records of Ming and Qing Dynasties, Yongle Dadian and Qianren Chronicle (one-thousand-person chronicle) of Erudition’s digital products.

What deserves a grand introduction is Leiden University, which was founded in AD 1575, and it is the most important institution of higher learning in the Netherlands and one of the most prestigious universities in Europe. Leidon University has cultivated numerous outstanding talents influencing the progress of human civilization, including masters of Science and art-Descartes, Rembrandt, Spinoza, 16 Nobel Prize winners such as Einstein and Fermi, etc, 9 heads of state such as Churchill and Mandela, and 10 Dutch leaders such as current Prime Minister Mark Lute, etc. Leiden University has nine colleges, more than 50 departments, over 150 majors, 11 core research fields and over 40 national or international research institutions. Among them, the College of Chinese language of Leiden University is one of the most famous one. Since 1851, the College has established Chinese major, and the number of Chinese books in its libraries ranks first in the Chinese libraries of European countries, which is Sinological Research Center of the whole Europe. It is exciting for Leiden University to affirm and adopt Erudition’s digital products. It is hoped that Erudition’s digital products can help Leiden University in Sinology research.

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