
发布时间:2018-11-30 13:25:15 访问统计:953


Good Year End- Northwest University Purchased Two Databases and Five Collections

Near the end of 2018, Erudition’s digital products ushered in a new sales rush. Not long ago, Northwest University, located in Xi'an, purchased two large databases of Erudition at one time through tender: one is Series Database of Sikuquanshu (I, II, III, and IV) and the other is Database of Chinese Modern Periodicals(ShenBao). Previously, Northwest University has purchased Erudition Database of Chinese Classics Ancient Books, Database of Chinese Local Records I and II, and Database of Chinese Bronze and Stone Inscriptions I. In addition to Series Database of Sikuquanshu (I, II, III, and IV) and Database of Chinese Modern Periodicals(ShenBao), Northwest University currently owns 5 databases and 9 collections of digital products which has become the leading traditional cultural data center in Northwest China.

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