
发布时间:2018-07-02 09:28:29 访问统计:101931



Hebei University Purchased Database of Chinese Popular Literature

Not long ago, Hebei University purchased Erudition Database of Chinese Popular Literature through tender. Prior to this, Hebei University has purchased Database of Chinese Classics Ancient Books and Database of Bronze and Stone Inscriptions I before. Together with Database of Chinese Popular Literature I, Hebei University now has 3 databases and 3 collections of Erudition’s digital products, which is second only to Hebei Normal University's 5 databases and 8 collections.

Erudition Database of Chinese Popular Literature is a full-text retrieval database of popular literature works of past dynasties. It is rich in Bianwen, treasure volume, good books, novels, plays, storytelling in southern dialects, commentaries, story song, etc. It is a summary resource treasury for studying and researching Chinese Popular Literature. It can be said that with this database there is no need to search for others. Database of Chinese Popular Literature is divided into five collections, of which the first collection contains 400 kinds of scripts for story-telling and novels, 1200 kinds of Zaju and legends, especially 400 kinds of treasure books are only seen so far, which is of the greatest value. 13 universities in the U.S. have purchased this database, but many universities in China haven't paid attention to it. I hope that Hebei University’s purchase can make a good beginning.

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