
发布时间:2018-03-12 09:10:40 访问统计:116192

近日,位于加拿大温哥华市的不列颠哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia)下单,购入爱如生中国基本古籍库。不列颠哥伦比亚大学三年前已购入中国方志库初集和二集,现与多伦多大学同为爱如生数字产品在加拿大的最大客户。

不列颠哥伦比亚大学又译作卑诗大学,始建于1908年,在经历百余年的长足发展后,现已成为蜚声全球的顶级综合研究型大学,与麦吉尔大学、多伦多大学并称加拿大大学三强,其学术实力在加拿大国内排名第二,在世界排名22。不列颠哥伦比亚大学拥有加拿大第二大的图书馆系统,藏书超过540万册,其中亚洲语言书籍的数量规模为加拿大第一,尤其是多达45000册的蒲坂藏书(Puban Collection),有不少罕见的中国古籍版本。此次不列颠哥伦比亚大学东亚图书馆克服困难,多方筹措资金,购入中国基本古籍库,生动地表明了其努力保持和不断发展中国文化研究的传统,令人敬佩。

University of British Columbia Purchased Database of Chinese Ancient Books

Recently, University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, placed an order to purchase Erudition Database of Chinese Ancient Books. University of British Columbia bought Database of Chinese Local Records I and II three years ago and is now the largest customer in Canada with the University of Toronto for Erudition’s Digital Products.

University of British Columbia, also known as the University of Beishi, was founded in 1908. After more than a hundred years of rapid development, it has become the world's top comprehensive research university. With McGill University and the University of Toronto, it is also known as Canada's three top universities. Its academic strength ranks second in Canada and 22rd in the world.  University of British Columbia has Canada's second largest library system with more than 5.4 million books. Among them, the number of Asian language books is the largest in Canada, especially the Puban Collection, which has as many as 45,000 books. There are many rare versions of Chinese ancient books. The East Asian Library of the University of British Columbia has overcome difficulties, raised funds from various sources, and purchased Database of Chinese Ancient Books. It represents its tradition of striving to maintain and continuously develop Chinese cultural studies, which is admirable.

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