
发布时间:2018-01-18 08:41:17 访问统计:131087

2018年新春伊始,爱如生数字产品又迎来新一轮销售高潮。日前,位于西雅图的美国著名公立大学--华盛顿大学(University of Washington )下单,一次购入爱如生中国方志库初集和二集,从而使美国的中国方志库用户增加到21个。华盛顿大学是美国东亚研究的重镇,全校有40余人从事中国研究;其东亚图书馆是美国西海岸三大东亚图书馆之一,中文藏书278637册,包含有丰富的明清善本和民国出版品等。华盛顿大学也很重视数字资源的建设,此前已购入爱如生中国基本古籍库和中国俗文库初集,现在拥有的爱如生数字产品共计3库4集,在美国西部仅次于斯坦福大学(5库6集),与伯克利大学相同。令人感动的是,华盛顿大学在决定购买的时候非常谨慎,不但反复试用,而且货比三家,最终才选择了爱如生中国方志库。相信爱如生数字产品定能不负所望,为华盛顿大学的中国历史文化研究提供助力。

Good Start- University of Washington Purchased Database of Chinese Local Records I and II

At the beginning of the new year of 2018, Erudition’s digital products ushered in a new sales rush. Recently, University of Washington, a well-known public university in Seattle, placed an order to buy Database of Chinese Local Records I and II at one time, thus increasing the number of users of the database to 21 in the United States. Washington University is an important research center in East Asia in the United States, with more than 40 people engaged in Chinese research. Its East Asian Library is one of the three major East Asian libraries on the West Coast of the United States. It has 278,637 Chinese books, including rich Ming and Qing good books and publications of Republic Period. University of Washington also attaches great importance to the construction of digital resources. Previously, it has purchased Erudition Database of Chinese Classics Ancient Books and Database of Chinese Popular Literature. Now it has three databases and four collections of Erudition’s digital products, which is second only to Stanford University (5 databases and 6 collections) in the western United States and the same as Berkeley University. It should be noted that University of Washington is very cautious when deciding to buy the product. It not only tries out repeatedly, but also compares our product with other company’s products, and finally chose Erudition Database of Chinese Local Records. I believe that Erudition’s digital products can live up to expectations, and provide help for the research of Chinese history and culture at University of Washington.

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