
发布时间:2017-07-14 11:22:52 访问统计:143799

时至2017年中,爱如生数字产品喜讯频传:美国名校印第安纳大学(Indiana University)日前下单,购入爱如生中国方志库二集。去年,印第安纳大学购入中国方志库初集,这次是续购。至此,美国的爱如生中国方志库用户已达19个,堪称热销。美国的中国学研究者为什么欢迎爱如生中国方志库,他们纷纷购入爱如生中国方志库又会对美国的中国历史与文化研究带来什么影响?国内学术界应对此现象给予重视。

Good Mid-year- Indiana University Purchased Database of Chinese Local Records II

In mid-2017, good news keeps pouring in Erudition’s digital products: Indiana University, a famous university in the United States, recently ordered Database of Chinese Local Records II. Last year, Indiana University purchased Database of Chinese Local Records I and this time for sequel. So far, the number of users of Database of Chinese Local Records has reached 19 in the United States, which can be regarded as a hot seller. Why do scholars focusing on Chinese Studies in the United States welcome Erudition Database of Chinese Local Records, and what impact will it bring to American Chinese historical and cultural research if they buy Database of Chinese Local Records one after another? Domestic academia should pay attention to this phenomenon.

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