
发布时间:2017-07-04 17:21:20 访问统计:191151

时至2017年中,爱如生数字产品喜讯频传:美国名校圣母大学(University of Notre Dame)日前下单,购入中国基本古籍库远程版,从而使美国的中国基本古籍库用户增至15个。

圣母大学(University of Notre Dame),或译为诺特丹大学,位于美国印第安纳州的南本德,是一所私立天主教大学,学术排名一直居于全美顶尖的20所大学之列,是25所新常青藤名校之一。该大学历史以商学和医学著称,此次购入中国基本古籍库,表明中国文化研究在该大学也备受重视。衷心希望今后能为圣母大学的中国文化研究提供更多的服务。

Good Mid-year- University of Notre Dame Purchased Database of Chinese Classics Ancient Books

In mid-2017, good news keeps pouring in Erudition’s digital products: University of Notre Dame, a famous university in the United States, recently placed an order to purchase the remote version of Database of Chinese Classics Ancient Books, thus increasing the number of the database users to 15 in the United States.

University of Notre Dame is a private Catholic university located in South Bend, Indiana. It ranks among the top 20 universities in the United States and is one of the 25 new Ivy League universities. The university was famous for business and medicine in history. The purchase of the Database of Chinese Classics Ancient Books shows that Chinese cultural studies is also highly valued in this university. I sincerely hope that we can provide more services for the study of Chinese culture in University of Notre Dame in the future.

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