
发布时间:2017-07-04 17:20:17 访问统计:197224

时至2017年中,爱如生数字产品喜讯频传:美国亚利桑那州立大学(Arizona State University)日前下单,购入中国基本古籍库远程版,成为美国的第14家中国基本古籍库机构用户。

美国亚利桑那州立大学(Arizona State University)位于亚利桑那州的凤凰城,是美国著名的公立大学,其注册学生多达8万余人,在全美规模最大。该校中国历史文化研究力量雄厚,主要集中在语言学和历史学,拥有田浩(Hoyt Tillman) 、奚如谷(Stephen H.West)等宋史专家。三前年,该校即曾购入爱如生中国俗文库,是美国最早一批爱如生数字产品用户。

Good Mid-year- Arizona State University Purchased Database of Chinese Classics Ancient Books

In mid-2017, good news keeps pouring in Erudition’s digital products: Arizona State University recently ordered the remote version of Database of Chinese Classics Ancient Books, becoming the 14th user of the Database in the United States.

Arizona State University, located in Phoenix, Arizona, is a well-known public university in the United States, with more than 80,000 registered students, which is the largest scale in the United States. The university boasts a strong research power in Chinese history and culture, mainly focusing on linguistics and history. It has experts studying the history of Song Dynasty such as Hoyt Tillman and Stephen H. West. Three years ago, the university purchased Erudition Database of Chinese Popular Literature. It was the earliest group of users of Erudition’s digital products in the United States.

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