
发布时间:2017-02-22 15:10:05 访问统计:148749

2017年伊始,大洋彼岸传来喜讯:位于美国新泽西的普林斯顿大学(Princeton University)下单,购入爱如生历代别集库明前编。普林斯顿大学是爱如生数字产品在美国的重要用户之一,自2011年起,普林斯顿大学陆续购入的爱如生数字产品有:中国基本古籍库、中国方志库初集和二集、中国俗文库初集、敦煌文献库初集,加上此次购入的历代别集库明前编,共计5库6集。

普林斯顿大学历史悠久,创立于1746年,学术水平极高,2017大学本科排名蝉联全美综合大学第一。在中国学研究方面,普林斯顿大学具有举足轻重的地位,其葛斯德东方图书馆(Gest Oriental Library)所藏中文图书达42万册,其中线装书就有10万册,且多为明清善本。我们衷心希望爱如生数字产品能为普林斯顿大学葛斯德东方图书馆的使用者提供优质服务,并为普林斯顿大学的中国学研究提供助力。

Good Start- Princeton University Purchased Database of Chinese Ancient Personal Writings

At the beginning of 2017, good news came from the other side of the ocean: Princeton University in New Jersey, the United States, placed an order to purchase Erudition Database of Chinese Ancient Personal Writings I. Princeton University is one of the most important users of Erudition’s digital products in the United States. Since 2011, Princeton University has purchased Erudition’s digital products in succession: Database of Chinese Classics Ancient Books, Database of Chinese Local Records I and II, and Database of Chinese Popular Literature. Princeton University has a total of 5 databases and 6 collections of Erudition’s digital products.

Founded in 1746, Princeton University boasts a long history. With high academic level, it ranked first among all the universities in the United States in 2017. Princeton University plays an important role in Chinese studies. Its Gest Oriental Library collects 420,000 Chinese books, including 100,000 online books, mostly rare books in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. We sincerely hope that Erudition’s Digital Products can provide high quality services for users of Princeton University's Gest Oriental Library and promote Princeton University's Chinese Studies.

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