
发布时间:2017-02-22 15:09:15 访问统计:148467




Good Start- Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine and Hubei University of Chinese Medicine Purchased Traditional Chinese Medicine Dianhai

At the beginning of the New Year 2017, good news came from the United States: Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine and Hubei University of Chinese Medicine ordered the latest digital series of Erudition Traditional Chinese Medicine Dianhai.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Dianhai is a large-scale, full-text, retrievable digital series of newly compiled TCM classics of past dynasties. It plans to collect 2000 kinds of TCM classics of past dynasties and launch two collections. This is the first collection, which includes 1000 kinds of ancient Chinese medicine books, covering a wide range of medical classics, herbs, diagnostic methods, prescriptions, acupuncture and moxibustion, clinical diseases, health maintenance, medical records, medical words, medical theory, etc. Different from the simple PDF+TXT model commonly used in other companies TCM digital products, Traditional Chinese Medicine Dianhai adopts the unique digital reconstruction technology of Erudition with a reproduced page, a page-by-page left and right text, and accessible type-in mode of notes and commentaries at the top of a page, interlinear notes, charts, markers which can be displayed in non-embedded form in the original place. It can be edited, downloaded and printed in millisecond. Traditional Chinese Medicine Dianhai not only faithfully reproduces the traditional Chinese medicine books, but also provides infinite possibilities for the comprehensive utilization of the information in it.

We hope that Chinese medicine colleges and research institutes all over the country will pay close attention to Erudition Traditional Chinese Medicine Dianhai, thus enabling it enter more TCM academic palaces after Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine and Hubei University of Chinese Medicine and contributing to the inheritance and promotion of the quintessence of TCM.

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