
发布时间:2016-12-29 15:39:08 访问统计:146722



Good Year End-China Academy of Art Purchased Database of Chinese Modern Periodicals (ShenBao)

Near the end of 2016, Erudition’s digital products ushered in a new sales rush.

Last month, China Academy of Art bought Database of Chinese Bronze and Stone lnscriptions I. Recently, it placed an order to purchase Database of Chinese Modern Periodicals (ShenBao). Why do fine art colleges choose ShenBao? It is because in the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic Period, the drastic changes in Chinese art directly determined the basic features of Chinese art today. The newspapers and magazines of the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic Period, including ShenBao, faithfully recorded and reflected this change. We searched for the word "art" in the database of Erudition ShenBao, and we got more than 65,500 records in milliseconds. It is obvious that using the database of ShenBao is of great significance to the study of the art history of the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China. In fact, ShenBao is not only of significance to fine arts, but also to the study of music, drama and film history. Database of Chinese Modern Periodicals (ShenBao) is also an important tool. Shanghai Conservatory of Music knows this well and has become the first user of the Erudition ShenBao in domestic art circle. I hope all the friends who are engaged in art research and art history research will pay attention to Database of Chinese Modern Periodicals (ShenBao). Institutions can choose local version or online version. Individuals can directly log on the website of Erudition ShenBao (www.sbsjk.com).

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